Monday, October 5, 2009

Blog Advertising and what are the effective ways to advertise your blog..

I was fascinated by this subject and so just out of curiosity typed these search words into google search. As usual the result was mind boggling and I was in two minds whether to randomly browse through one of the links that had come up. Then suddenly my attention was caught by this site because the words blog and advertising went together and it seemed the perfect place to look for information I needed. Needless to say I was absolutely impressed by the layout and presentation of the site and contents. Each link was well placed and the contents well researched and extremly informative. I have registered to become a member and my request is awaiting approval. Hopefully I can get started soon. My interest in blogging has got the much needed revival now and I am sincerely looking forward to posting more blogs of interest.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"friendly" neighbourhood

The blatant lies from Pakistan and the dilly dallying by India is turning the whole issue away from its pivot - a case of India not "striking while the iron is hot"? Is Pakistan needlessly needling India into war or is it part of a bigger tactic of lots of "huffing and puffing" to blow our house down? It's very obvious that Pakistan will go to an extent to wipe out all traces of the captured terrorist's family - in fact it has already done that as is evident from piecing together all information. If the civilian government under Zardari is powerless, then we may as well have a military junta in place. Atleast we will have a villain with a face.